Latest News

Par Hawaii Golf Tournament gives $50,000 to local nonprofits
Par Hawaii and its partners are committed to making this premier golf tournament one of the best charity tournaments...

Renewable Energy Community Meeting – Wednesday, August 28
MEDIA ADVISORY Date: July 29, 2024 Media Contacts: Marc...

Hele Fuels H.O.M.E.
Hele Fuels H.O.M.E. The Houseless Outreach & Medical Education (H.O.M.E.) project was founded in August of 2005...

Supporting our public schools
Our Hele Gas & Convenience Palama team presented Ken Hiraki, Executive Director of Public Schools of Hawaii...

About Par Hawaii
Energy Assurance for Hawaii
The Par Hawaii team plays a critical role in meeting the state’s current energy demand, while also preparing for the sustainable energy future. We also invest in the community to continually improve our island home.
The Par Hawaii brand encompasses several subsidiaries of parent company Par Pacific (NYSE: PARR). The corporate offices of Par Hawaii are located in Kapolei on the island of Oahu. Throughout Hawaii, fuels and merchandise are marketed through a network of Hele, 76 and nomnom-branded retail locations. Par Hawaii operates the only petroleum refinery in the state and distributes fuels via pipelines on Oahu and on barges to all major harbors in the state.
Par Hawaii is the leading supplier of transportation fuels in Hawaii, serving the state’s population of approximately 1.4 million residents and 8 million annual visitors. Par Hawaii plays a critical role in meeting the state’s demand for jet and marine fuels while building on its legacy of investing in the local community.

Our Team
Par Hawaii’s team of 660 employees is dedicated to dedicated to meeting the state’s energy needs — safely, responsibly, and sustainably.

Investing in Our Community
Across the state, Par Hawaii supports nonprofit organizations who provide valuable services to improve the quality of life in our islands.

About Par Pacific
Par Hawaii’s parent company, Par Pacific Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PARR), headquartered in Houston, Texas, owns and operates market-leading energy, infrastructure and retail businesses. Par Pacific’s strategy is to acquire and develop businesses in logistically complex, niche markets. In Hawaii, Par Pacific is proud to do business under the Par Hawaii, Hele, 76, and nom nom brands.
Our Mission
Our mission is to deliver energy for Hawaii in a reliable, safe and environmentally responsible manner.
Our Services
Par Hawaii plays a critical role in meeting the state’s energy demand for a full spectrum of energy products.
Learn what’s involved in producing and distributing energy for our islands.

Career Opportunities
Join our team and be a part of Hawaii’s exciting energy future.
It’s exciting to be a part of the rapidly evolving energy sector. Par Hawaii is meeting the current demand for refined petroleum products, while we also transition to more renewable energy production and distribution.
- Customer Service
- Information Technology
- Engineering
- Logistics

Lending a helping hand for a more vibrant, resilient Hawaii
Strengthening our community starts with meeting the needs of individuals and families throughout the state. Par Hawaii supports numerous nonprofit organizations that provide services that fill important needs in our community.