Caring for our Communities
Wherever Par Hawaii operates, you can count on us to be there for the community. We invest in education, environment, healthcare, social services, culture — all of things that are important to us in our island home

Our Nonprofit Partners

Project Benefits
Celebrating 50 years of reliable energy for our community
Par Hawaii is celebrating an important milestone this year: the 50th anniversary of our refinery. On April 12, 1972, operators turned on the switches and the refinery began processing crude oil to provide a more secure, on-island supply of jet fuel and other refined petroleum products.
The refinery’s goal has always been to enhance energy security in our islands.
The refinery ushered in a new era of energy security for Hawaii. The refinery, constructed from the ground up on 112 acres on the Ewa Plains for $42 million, represented energy security for the islands, at a time when the state had experienced the volatility and instability of fuel rationing as a result of the Energy Crisis.
It took visionary leaders in business, significant risk and investment, and the support of elected government officials to turn take the refinery from blueprints to reality. Over the years, millions of dollars have been invested into the refinery to meet stringent, evolving environmental standards, and to optimize the refinery’s processing units to provide more value and increased efficiency in producing energy products Hawaii needs.
The refinery’s complexity is an intricate engineering marvel, operated by sophisticated professionals to meet the energy needs of the state. Employees work in teams 24/7, every day of the year, and are prepared to meet the energy needs of Hawaii in the decades ahead.

The refinery’s goal has always been to enhance energy security in our islands.
The refinery ushered in a new era of energy security for Hawaii. The refinery, constructed from the ground up on 112 acres on the Ewa Plains for $42 million, represented energy security for the islands, at a time when the state had experienced the volatility and instability of fuel rationing as a result of the Energy Crisis.
It took visionary leaders in business, significant risk and investment, and the support of elected government officials to turn take the refinery from blueprints to reality. Over the years, millions of dollars have been invested into the refinery to meet stringent, evolving environmental standards, and to optimize the refinery’s processing units to provide more value and increased efficiency in producing energy products Hawaii needs.
The refinery’s complexity is an intricate engineering marvel, operated by sophisticated professionals to meet the energy needs of the state. Employees work in teams 24/7, every day of the year, and are prepared to meet the energy needs of Hawaii in the decades ahead.

Our Commitment to the Community
In Hawaii, taking care of each other is a priority. Creating stronger communities lifts up all of us.
In Hawaii, we recognize we are all connected to each other. Par Hawaii actively creates more vibrant, resilient communities across Hawai‘i.

Our employees also volunteer their time and energy to contribute the wellbeing of all Hawaii’s residents to create a better island home.

Kokua Committee Grants
Par Hawaii’s Kokua Committee, composed of employees, meets regularly to look at ways to support nonprofit organizations throughout the state. We reach out to nonprofit organizations that can making a positive difference to improve education for youth, increase environmental stewardship, access to healthcare and social services, preserve our culture, and much more.

Recent Kokua Committee Giving
Public Schools of Hawaii
Hele locations raised $28,248.99 that was raised from our Fuel our Future campaign. These funds will be used for the Good Idea Grant program for the Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation.
Hawaii FIRST Robotics
Proud supporter of the Hawaii Regional First Robotics Competition at the Stan Sheriff Center.
Special Olympics Hawaii

Online Grant Application
Par Hawaii invites 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations to complete a request for financial and in-kind support. Please review our guidelines and complete this online grant application.